Archive for the ‘Gaming’ Category

Addicted To Team Fortress 2!

May 12, 2008

I’m not that much of an obsessive gamer the way some guys are, but when great games come my way (Knights of the Old Republic, Neverwinter Nights, Final Fantasy, Dawn of War, Company of Heroes, Evil Genius), I sit up, take notice and become a little more obsessive than normal.

Case in point, Team Fortress 2. Rubin, Reuben and I actually plonked down $45 to buy it from Steam and play it online. For the first week or two, we sucked bad. Consistently at the bottom of the score list. As with all things, the more you play the better you get. Reuben is now pretty excellent, I get by but Rubin still sucks. (see screenshot for proof. He’s that weird scribble thing that’s dominated by me)

I really like the game because unlike Counter-Strike (which we reached last 16 in Singapore for WCG last year), it doesn’t just emphasise on the offense. And indeed I’m not a great player going forward, so the defensive engineer, backup medic or slinking around corners as a pyro play to my strengths, as my player statistics would suggest.

If you’re playing TF2 on steam look for me (UniqueFrequency) or drop me a comment so we can have a couple of games together!

New Ipod Touch Usage: Verifying The Truth – Rock Band Is In Singapore!

April 20, 2008

Yesterday I was walking around with Reuben talking about games. He said “Damn I want to buy Rock Band”. I said nonchalantly, “Why don’t you? It’s available what.”

He said “No it’s not”, I said “Yes it is! I read about it on a blog.” So he refused to believe me until I whipped out my ipod touch, accessed wireless@sg, got on Sheylara’s blog and showed him multiple pictures of her Rock Band set.

If this had happened today I’d have showed him the tweet from Mark:

We later realised that it was a PS3 version and not Xbox360, but that’s besides the point. Later I asked why in the world he wouldn’t believe I said Rock Band’s in Singapore and he said he didn’t have faith in my ability to distinguish between Rock Band and Guitar Hero.

I feel my ability to tell apart one guitar and one guitar, drum set and mic to be horrendously undervalued.