Archive for the ‘Amusing’ Category

The Truth About The SMU Graduate Survey

May 12, 2008

A lot of hoo-hah going around about people not believing this and all that sort of stuff. So I just want to say two things.

1) The numbers and figures are probably pretty accurate. All the speculation about SMU talking about higher pay is stupid. Even if they want to lie, how much can they lie? From $8k to $10k? Can’t be right? I know people who have graduated and are drawing in that kind of money.

2) The sample is probably not representative. Don’t be surprised. Obviously the school wants to portray the best image to everyone. But you think every survey is representative? How about the one about NUS students having sex once a week? Get over it please. It’s already very obvious that it’s skewed to those in the finance/investment banking sector from the article, so take it with a pinch of salt. Again, I know people in the marketing/IT/communications field who have graduated and don’t even receive the survey from the school ok?

In Celebration Of Arsenal’s Victory… An Ad!

April 29, 2008

This is from Moby’s blog (one of the few I subscribe to for non-serious content, worth checking out). A great Nike ad from the perspective of the player.

The perspective of an Arsenal player!

I think it’s friggin awesome. Nike really knows which team to pick 😉

Operation: Room Clean

April 24, 2008

Since I’m heading away to Canada for at least four months in August, I thought it’d be best to neaten up my room a little bit before I go. Remember the post awhile back about me having a hard time finding stuff? Well, I took everything that was loose (ie on the floor, on the coffee table, in places where they don’t belong) and put them all on the floor so I can aggregate them by stacks (like books, references, dvds, rough paper, etc).

Here’s the result (click for larger image):

I must say that is quite a lot of stuff that was previously lying around. Maybe I do need files or something…

If You Eat At Swensens, Beware!

April 21, 2008

Looking through the very short list of my videos on YouTube, I’m reminded of this little clip taken two years ago of Rubin eating a pistachio ice-cream cone at Swensens.

This was actually the second time that night, but the first time the cone didn’t break. Don’t say you weren’t warned if you attempt to eat this!

What Happens When A Professor Gives Out T-Shirts

April 21, 2008

This term I took a compulsory course called Strategy under Adel Dimian. At the end of the course he gave everyone a t-shirt with his trademark “There Is No Cannot” slogan and a week before exams encouraged us to wear it for the final paper.

Guess what? We did.


As Michael Netzley says “2.0 of us”

Ams, myself and Jimmy

The Strategy group less Terence who went off to study

Myself, Jaclyn, Kenny & Cornelius

KC, Jac, Kenny and Cornelius

I realise that afternoon is probably the last time in awhile I’ll see more of them (in the pictures). Most of them are graduating this term, if not by the time I come back. Doesn’t make coming back to SMU very attractive at all! But ok, I shant let that spoil anything and stick to the crazy memories with these folks:

  • times in New York
  • Advertising headaches
  • Strategy headaches
  • studying overnight in the library (once)
  • using the SMUBE room when it’s deserted on Sundays
  • and many other shenanigans

New Ipod Touch Usage: Verifying The Truth – Rock Band Is In Singapore!

April 20, 2008

Yesterday I was walking around with Reuben talking about games. He said “Damn I want to buy Rock Band”. I said nonchalantly, “Why don’t you? It’s available what.”

He said “No it’s not”, I said “Yes it is! I read about it on a blog.” So he refused to believe me until I whipped out my ipod touch, accessed wireless@sg, got on Sheylara’s blog and showed him multiple pictures of her Rock Band set.

If this had happened today I’d have showed him the tweet from Mark:

We later realised that it was a PS3 version and not Xbox360, but that’s besides the point. Later I asked why in the world he wouldn’t believe I said Rock Band’s in Singapore and he said he didn’t have faith in my ability to distinguish between Rock Band and Guitar Hero.

I feel my ability to tell apart one guitar and one guitar, drum set and mic to be horrendously undervalued.

Why I Took So Long To Start Revision

April 15, 2008

Business processes exam is tomorrow and it took me forever to get started. Why? Because for this particular course I print out all my notes. And here’s how the paper in my room looks:

That Newsweek magazine is something I used for research in December 2007.

So basically I had to look in 6 places to find all my business processes notes:

  1. My floor
  2. My table
  3. Between a textbook
  4. My coffee table
  5. In my laptop bag
  6. In between my “recycled paper” stack (paper where I used one side but the back is blank). This was where a huge wave of relief washed over me because I thought I lost my notes for good.

I need to get a better filing system. Recommend me one?

What Would Batman Twitter?

April 4, 2008

It’s no secret I’m a crazy fan of Twitter (@uniquefrequency) and I’m also a huge comic book fan. So I was extremely amused to chance upon this post:What Would Batman Twitter this afternoon, in response to the original question posted by Great White Snark.

So here are my 3 contributions:

  • “JLA Watchtower duty again”
  • “@Boywonder why are you late for patrol duty?”
  • “One thug pissed in his pants tonight. anyone knows a good drycleaner that can get pee out of spandex? “

What are yours? Comment below!!

My Grandparents’ 40th Anniversary

April 1, 2008

We celebrated my grandparents’ 40th anniversary last week. My grandparents are the best ever. My grandma more or lesss raised me from young, and her “I’ll flatten you into a pancake” line really helped shape me to the person I am today. My grandpa is amazingly patient with everyone and I have never ever seen him lose his temper with anyone. I wish I could have that kind of temper.

Little known fact: my confirmation name is Joseph, after my grandpa.

Here are two photos from the afternoon:

My Grandma’s cup.

40 great years.

The only annoying thing? The lunch venue (Tung Lok Signatures) is a Chinese restaurant, but they were playing an instrumental version of “The Day You Went Away” by M2M. Very disturbing.

Does This Happen To You?

March 22, 2008

I was talking about my MaxMobile plan with my professor and was telling her how it’s $35 a month, or roughly $1 a day.

She then said “That means it’s more than $300 a year?”

Which is exactly what my mum says when I quantify things in days.

Do you think it’s a generation thing? Or just different ways of looking at the same thing?