Archive for the ‘Blogs’ Category

Okay Seriously, Why Can’t All Of Us On (And Singapore) Get Along?

April 22, 2008

I’m wasn’t going to blog about this because it’s seriously bigger than it should be, but I think we need to realise what we’re doing. (I’m going to echo Estee a little bit here)

When are we going to stop realising that this is not about “us“? It’s not about who is the core group of this and who is the core group of that, but how do we build/grow the community together, and look outwards for more people to join us.

It’s exactly this “arrowing”, self-destructive behavior (not by any one person, but a community) that again deters people from engaging in this space and affects the community’s credibility as a whole.

I think we need to acknowledge that we write blog posts quickly. There’s no reason to pick out the exact phrasing of every line and take issue with it. People are going to have homophobic comments on blogs, let’s discuss them like adults. I really don’t see the need to be defensive and overreact to a couple of text in the forms of bytes on the internet.

Please guys, I read a fair amount of your blogs and I think many of us have so much value to bring to this space. Let’s not demolish the branding (of yourself, of, of Singaporean blogs) over little items that, frankly, in the grand scheme of things, don’t matter. Let’s not cheapen the value that we have to bring to the blogosphere.

New Ipod Touch Usage: Verifying The Truth – Rock Band Is In Singapore!

April 20, 2008

Yesterday I was walking around with Reuben talking about games. He said “Damn I want to buy Rock Band”. I said nonchalantly, “Why don’t you? It’s available what.”

He said “No it’s not”, I said “Yes it is! I read about it on a blog.” So he refused to believe me until I whipped out my ipod touch, accessed wireless@sg, got on Sheylara’s blog and showed him multiple pictures of her Rock Band set.

If this had happened today I’d have showed him the tweet from Mark:

We later realised that it was a PS3 version and not Xbox360, but that’s besides the point. Later I asked why in the world he wouldn’t believe I said Rock Band’s in Singapore and he said he didn’t have faith in my ability to distinguish between Rock Band and Guitar Hero.

I feel my ability to tell apart one guitar and one guitar, drum set and mic to be horrendously undervalued.