The Marriage E-mail

You might remember me mentioning Reuben a couple of times on this blog. We’ve been friends via scouts since sec 1, and are both voluntary leaders in scouts today. (Not to mention Team Fortress 2 players virtually every other night).

So the big news is: Reuben is getting married!

It’s quite overwhelming and crazy at the same time. It’s like how do you transform from a “Go to school, go for scouts, watch a movie, go home and play Team Fortress” to a “married” lifestyle! The jump is almost incomprehensible for me. (For now).

I guess the news never really sank in until this:

Big congrats to Reuben and Gillian, can’t wait for it next year!

Kinda makes you think “omg we’re all going to be adults”, doesn’t it?

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One Response to “The Marriage E-mail”

  1. iammyy Says:

    my friend is getting engaged end of year…i feel old.

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